Are you sure you want to cancel your registration?
Cancelling your registration will remove your access to the event. If you proceed, you will no longer be able to participate or access event-related materials.
Are you sure you want to delete account?
Deleting your account will remove your access to the event.
Yes, but please make sure you notate them on your registration so they can attend the social events. Each event will require an attendee badge so they will need to be registered.
Ferguson and Day & Night will cover One - two-night stay per dealer company on the dates of February 15 and February 16, 2024 with check out on February 17, 2024.
You must scan the QR code as you enter and as you leave each session, including both general sessions to get credit for the class.
Thank you for your interest in our 2024 Day & Night Elite Conference. Our registration is currently closed. If you need to register or have questions, please contact or